I am still not believing the whole idea of a mother getting (much less expecting) a gift directly following birth. As if the baby isn't enough of a gift. After my 20 hours of labor with my son, all I wanted was to get that oxygen mask off. Then all I wanted was FOOD, and lots of it (those ice chips did not do it for me, really). I wouldn't even let my husband give me a diamond for our engagement (because he couldn't afford it and I really don't need something that expensive on my finger, when there are a lot of people out there that don't have food or shelter - yes, I am a hippie control-freak), so there is NO WAY I would let him spend the money we know we are going to need for our son on something so frivolous. So, I guess you know how I feel about all of this. When my husband read that, he said, "That is the worst thing I have ever read - anything I said before is now trumped. That's the worst." Amen, brother.
You know we're in it bad when the beautiful gift (granted, when they come out they are all deformed and covered in a sticky white goo, with blood globules all over them, but they're beautiful all the same) of a child - the combination of your genes and love and partnership - isn't enough, and we need something sparkly. I am reminded of what a priest friend of mine told me once (pre-ordination) when my church was looking for a new rector. "Beware of the shiny ones. They may look good, they may even sparkle and draw you in with their glimmer, but that's usually all they are - shiny." In a thousand years, those rocks on your ear are going to be used to fuel your stupid H3, which is also destroying our earth. So, go ahead and enjoy them, while the rest of us actually give a crap about other people.
I wonder what my present should have been for all the hard work I put in to three conceptions?
And the seat in the delivery suite was VERY uncomfortable!
Yeah, honey. Where's my conception prize? Hope it's a Playstation 3!
Or a motorcycle!
Or a pony! I want a pony!
My gift was my husabdn getting up every night the baby cried and bringing him (and her) to me when I nunrsed, and if he was awake when we were done, he'd tuck the baby back in. If I'd gotten a ring I would have used it to scratch his face while he slept because I had to be up EVERY night 3 times a night with Mr. Snoring McLazy Pants sleeping soundly next to me....like so many moms out there.
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